On average, each person consumes 150 liters of water per day. Water consumption and consequently environmental impact can be reduced both by changing personal consumption habits and by implementing technical solutions in the kitchen sink.

You can save water, for example, by avoiding washing dishes with running water and by shortening the time spent in the shower. Another way is to let the faucet do the work by restricting the flow of water at full pressure. An additional flow regulator installed on the kitchen sink nozzle can save several liters of water per day. At the same time, energy is saved, and the burden on the environment is reduced.

The flow regulator installed on the nozzle saves energy during use without compromising the comfort of use. The greater the water consumption in the kitchen, the greater the impact of the saved water volume on reducing the water bill. Lapetek taps, equipped with a "hidden aerator," offer four different power flow regulators. With these, the flow of water can be restricted to approximately 3.5 liters, 5 liters, or approximately 8 liters per minute. The smaller the flow is restricted, the greater the savings.



veden virtauksen rajoitin

The water flow limiter

The water flow limiter is a separate aerator that is installed inside the faucet spout, replacing the standard aerator. Its purpose is to maintain a predetermined water flow rate regardless of the prevailing line pressure. The flow regulator also compensates for pressure fluctuations between 1-8 bar, making the water flow pleasantly even and reducing splashing in the sink caused by the network. You can see how the water flow limiter works in practic in the video.

The flow regulator is installed inside the spout and is a completely invisible addition. Lapetek taps come with a separate key for removing/changing the aerator, making it easy to unscrew. You can see instructions for removing the aerator in the video.

veden säästöä

Overall impact of the water flow limiter on the carbon footprint

How much water and energy are used in the production of the water flow limiter, and how much carbon dioxide is emitted during transportation? What is the relationship between expenses and savings, i.e., what footprint does the flow regulator leave?

The example below is calculated based on the total water consumption of an average household.

The production of NEOPERL® flow regulator consumes

  • 0.12 MJ of primary energy
  • Generates 5.9 g of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions
  • Consumes 30.3 ml of water

The savings achieved with the flow regulator over ten years are

  • 19231 MJ of primary energy
  • 1223 kg of CO2 equivalenta
  • 790 liters of water consumption (and an estimated 166200 liters of water usage)




Total water consumption in households

An example of water consumption savings with a water flow limiter in a two-person household over ten years:

  • An example of water consumption savings with a water flow limiter in a two-person household over ten years
  • without a flow regulator, water consumption is approximately 15.0 liters per minute
  • with a flow regulator, water consumption is approximately 9.5 liters per minute

The total water savings in water used in the shower amount to 166,200 liters over ten years. Similarly, the amount of water consumption can be reduced at the kitchen sink.

Water consumption in households is divided into four usage categories, with the amount of water used in the kitchen accounting for 22% of total consumption. Simply washing dishes by hand can easily consume over 100 liters of water per day, which is why washing dishes with running water should be avoided. It is also advisable to avoid unnecessary rinsing of dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. With these simple measures, combined with the installation of a water flow limiter on the faucet, significant savings can be achieved in the amount of water consumed in the kitchen.


Veden kulutus peseytyessä

45 %

used water for washing and hygiene purposes

Veden kulutus keittiössä

17,5 %

used water in the kitchen

Veden kulutus WC

15 %

used water goes down the sink

Veden kulutus pyykit

15 %

used water for laundry

Muu veden kulutus

7,5 %

used water distributed everywhere else




Saving water with Lapetek kitchen taps

Water flow limiters can be separately ordered for Lapetek kitchen taps, where the aerator is hidden inside the spout. You can choose the flow regulator from the table or get acquainted with each one separately through the links below. 


  • You can order the flow limiter 3,5 l/min here.
  • You can order the flow limiter 5 l/min here.
  • You can order the flow limiter 8 l/min here.
  • You can order the flow limiter (laminar) 8 l/min here.